Helping World-Changers
Change Worlds
“…one of the best business investments I’ve made, ever.”


Change Worlds
“…one of the best
business investments
I’ve made, ever.”

Let's face it:
World-changing is tough work!

World-changing is tough work. Reinventing everything is tough work.

Starting a company, running a company, launching a project, mounting a campaign, electing a candidate…

Mobilizing and leading teams, raising financing, navigating overwhelm, getting clear on your priorities, staying clear on your priorities…

Making and landing powerful offers. Keeping your promises—to others and yourself…

Getting things done, getting through the day, getting enough sleep—while keeping yourself healthy, sane, and serene…

Yep, all tough work.

But that IS the work!
That work goes better with a partner who's got your back. Who's even more committed to your commitments than you are. Who can help you achieve amazing things—which is what the world needs right now—and stay (relatively) chill in the process.

Whether you're an executive, a founder, or an investor…an entrepreneur, a creator, or an activist…you're a trimtab. The small rudder that turns the big rudder that turns a ship so big that the big rudder is impossible to move directly.

That’s what you do—you find the ways to turn the ship.

I help you find ways to turn you.

You're a trimtab.
I'm YOUR trimtab!
Hi. I'm Gil Friend. For the last 50 years, I've helped drive practical, effective, meaningful, and profitable change in some of the world's best organizations.

I'm now focusing on working one-on-one with leaders, and emerging leaders.

With people committed to meaningful impact on the world and those around them.

With people like you.
Here's how it works:
We'll talk.

No formulaic programs. No cookie cutter recipes. Just conversations for possibility. And conversations for action.

I'll ask you questions that provoke you, illuminate your blocks, and don't let you hide from your deepest self.

I'll push you beyond your aspirations, intention, and goals to your commitments, your strategies, and your plans to fulfill them. I'll help you cultivate new practices that enable you to more consistently accomplish what you commit to accomplish. And to be who you commit to be.

And hold you accountable to what you say—to me, to others, to yourself.

I'll teach you new ways to observe how you speak—to yourself as well as with others—and new ways to speak with power and impact.

You'll learn how to master your opinions, instead of having them run you—and cultivate the moods tangled with them…that hold you back.

Clients have told me:
  • "I'm not the same person I was when I started working with you."
  • "You've helped me focus, decide, and build momentum—and you're in my head all the time, even between calls"

  • "Your thinking has changed mine."

  • "I'm more strategic, less tactical…more focused on the kind of work we want to do. And I have more time for broader thinking."

  • "This is one of the best business investments I've made, ever."

Will this work for you?
The only way to know is for us to have a live, exploratory working session together in which we actually do the work .

Live. Real time. Without a net.

And determine — together —whether we can make something remarkable happen. Together.

Apply below for your initial working session today.

 No cost.
No obligation.
No net.
Just results.
You know that the best investment you can ever make—
is in yourself.

So apply now—
and let's get to work!

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Copyright Gil Philip Friend, Natural Logic Inc.